Northgate Shopping Center is located on one of Monroe’s primary thoroughfares and is just minutes from surrounding residential areas and the University of Louisiana at Monroe. The center has excellent visibility with 17,008 cars per day traveling Forsythe, a five lane road with direct access to and from US Highway 165. The center is positioned South of Forsythe, East of North 18th and West of North 19th. There are 19 total tenant spaces. Located in the immediate surrounding area are national retailers such as Starbucks, Wal-Mart Market, Tuesday Morning, Talbots, Chicos and Brookshires Grocery along with financial entities and other business enterprises.
Northgate Shopping Center located at the corner of Forsythe Ave and N 19th St, with access to N 18th. The center’s diverse tenant mix of boutiques, restaurants, a bank, clothing and gift stores, along with the adjacent Starbucks, Tiger Market, and Little Caesar’s keep the center busy with traffic. The surrounding neighborhoods and offices provide businesses with close proximity to a large customer base.