4539 Distriplex Drive W

Memphis, TN 38118


54,000 square feet (includes 3,394 SF mezzanine area)
Approximately 15,618 square feet (29%)
3.07 acres
100% leased to Memphis Business Interiors LLC
Single-tenant, front park, front load, warehouse and distribution facility.
Attractive concrete tilt wall panel and structural steel frame supporting steel beams and bar joists.
Single-ply, ballasted EPDM membrane (ten-year warranty expires in 2005).
145’ asphalt truck court with a 45’ concrete truck apron
10 - 8’ x 1 0’ dock high overhead doors
1 - 1 0’ x 12’ overhead door ramp
98 parking spaces
Class IV sprinkler system
City of Memphis - sewer
Memphis Light Gas & Water - gas, electric & water
200’ (depth) x 250’ (width)
40’ x 41 ‘8” column spacing

Suite Available

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Listing courtesy of Hank Martin, SIOR, hmartin@saigcompany.com, NAI Saig Company

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