There is up to 220,992 SF available with 3 interior rail docks 195’ in length each.
total. IHB with access to all class 1 and 2 railroads. There are 296 exterior rail car spots and
9 inside spots. 5 Truck level docks, Two 14’Hx16’W OHD, and one 14’x14’ OHD. The
warehouse column spacing is 35’x40’ in 18’ clear area and 100’x750’ clear span in 23’
clear area. Clear height 21’ - 27’
*Foreign Trade Zone
Power: 480V 3 phase 1600 Amps electrical
The sprinkler is a wet system - ground level fire tank with 300,000 gallons. There is ISP
access - long haul lit fiber less than 1 mile away, north of property. The construction of the
building is masonry, block, and metal siding on steel frame. The floors are 6”-8” reinforced
concrete, rated 5,000 LBS./SQ FT.
The security for the property includes perimeter fence, secondary fence with guards and a
closed circuit monitoring system.