This freestanding East Tampa Warehouse is 11,500 SF warehouse and sits on a 37120 SF, fully fenced and barbed wired, (IG) Industrial General zoned lot with two large rolling gates. The main warehouse area is 9,250 SF and the building has an office area of 2,250 SF. The entire office has been updated with new HVAC, new flooring, paint and LED lighting throughout as well as all new bathroom fixtures in the 3 interior restrooms, one of which is an ADA restroom. The office features a glass door main entrance off Temple St into a large waiting room with adjoining reception office. There are 2 large private executive offices, one with a private restroom, and open work area which can be used as a conference room and a large office break room. There is also a separate entrance which would work well for employees and a large open break room / or open work space with a large window looking into the warehouse. The warehouse has also has new exterior paint, 3 phase power and two rollup doors (12 ft and 14 ft) and the Southern half of the warehouse has 20+ ft clear height. The warehouse also features it own separate locker room / warehouse restroom.
Estimated CAM: $3.85
Initial estimated monthly rent: $18,304 (includes base rate + CAM + sales tax)
* This property is co-listed with William Besselieu of Andretta Properties
*Disclosure: Listing agents Michael Braccia and William Besselieu are managing members of the ownership entity.